Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I will not vote for John McCain '08 Analysis

Unless Hillary wins the nomination, I will begrudgingly have no choice in November but to vote for what I classify as the 'lesser of two evils' in Barack Obama.

I've said it. Crucify me if you must, but there it is. I will vote for Obama in November if he wins the nomination.

I don't support Obama on 90% of all issues.

In fact, I support McCain on a majority of issues. However, I make my decisions of support on a small list of things. The most important issues being fiscal and foreign policy.

Fiscally I agree with both men. McCain has a long standing reputation, and Obama has been one of the most vocal and long-standing advocates for PayGo budgets.

Where I have finally drawn my line is the result of a recent speech, and exposing of those who are working to design McCain's new foreign policy.

1-McCain supports removing Russia from the G8.

Lol. What? Seriously. I will concede that Russia is neither industrialized, nor with the assistance of Mr. KGB democratic, but the facts are this: A-By G8 rules, not only would all 6 other nations have to approve of our petition to remove Russia, Russia would ALSO have to support such a motion. B-LOL AS IF EUROPE WOULD ISOLATE RUSSIA C-Attempting to isolate or bully a nation in foreign policy because of human right issues is fail and that's all there is to it. How's that policy of ours working on Cuba? Myanmar? Belarus? Iran? North Korea? I will say this once and only once and if you disagree with me you are a retard and do not understand foreign policy in the very least. ISOLATION DOES NOT WORK. The freer the market, the freer the people, if you open relations with a state and treat them as an equal and allow trade with them, their society will open up because the money simply has to go SOMEWHERE. Don't try that bullshit line about how they just keep it for themselves, when they're that god damn poor there's so much money flowing into the states that the leaders don't have an option but to let it trickle down. Indonesia is the greatest example of all. Say what you want about Suharto but he transformed Indonesia from a backwater shitstain former colony into one of the greatest economic powerhouses in the world and a founding member of ASEAN.

2-McCain's advisors are firm supporters of a tough stance on Iran and opposed to expanded negotiations with North Korea.

Hi, treating psychotic whiny iron-fisted men like psychotic whiny CHILDREN doesn't accomplish a god damn thing. It never has, it never will. Did you know that North Korea during the highest points of tension publicly stated that ALL it wanted was for America to unilaterally negotiate with them, not through China, not through Japan, one on one. All North Korea has ever wanted was to be treated like a fellow nation on the stage, and we have refused to give them even that. What's the cost of our refusal? Why don't you take a look at the average North Korean's ribcage. Is it entirely our fault? No. But if we treated them like considerably worse leaders such as Musharref or the House of Saud, east Asia would be a considerably less tense place.

Basically, McCain is a hawk, I've said this before. But what makes it worse is his advisor's are Neo-Cons. Neo-Cons are what destroyed the dignity of the Republican Party. They pushed the unnecessary war in Iraq which has crippled our economy, and they push more and more wars. Hi, I hate to break this to you, but it turns out war is bad for the economy WHEN YOU'RE SPENDING BILLIONS TO BLOW THE FUCK OUT OF THE DESERT

Sure, world war II was awesome for our economy, because at the time we were going up against equals if not even states that could be argued as our superiors at the time, but war isn't good when you drag it out and the state isn't even technically at war.

There is no draft, there are no rations, everything is like it was 10 years ago, except for that tiny little detail that our military is extremely over extended and spending billions upon billions to blow the shit out of things and what's worse is we can't even watch it on CNN because the fun part of the war was over in a day.

For the record, I don't support pulling out, as I like to say 'even an eleven year old in health class can tell you pulling out doesn't work' but the fact of the matter is, with the economy going where it is.

We have to make a decision, and this is a simple decision, and any true conservative who understands the ideals of conservatism knows the right answer:

Do we continue in Iraq to stabilize the country we destroyed, at the risk of crashing our economy


Do we withdraw from Iraq, creating a power vacuum which will leave our interests in the region jeopardized, but our state secure

Neither is a good scenario, but when it comes down to it, what matters most of all is the stability of America. Fuck the rest of the world. They hate us anyways.

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