Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I voted against John McCain, and why you should've '08 Analysis

I tagged EVERYONE on my list(up to the J's...) because I want as many people to read this as possible. You don't have to read, and if you're ignorant enough then you can go ahead and delete me or something, because I'm not forcing you to read this :)

I will write this in 3 points, feel free to read it all, or read only that which applies to you. I will start with my own flesh and blood.

I've had to witness alot of bastardization towards the ideals of the Republican Party. I've seen social issues that have no real merit or weight in politics suddenly become deciding factors in presidential elections(Kerry was resoundingly stomped by mass turn out by evangelical voters who came out to vote for a gay marriage ban in different battleground states, most notably Missouri). I've met Republicans who have no concept what-so-ever for the merits of capitalism, some even commenting that they're 'not big fans'. But they're Republican because they carry a bible.

I'll stop there for a second and point out that I am a Christian, I believe in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, I am very passionate about it, I simply choose not to talk about it for the respect of my fellow man.

One hero I've always had, someone who has in fact been my political idol, a politician who dared to tell the truth and do what he felt in his heart was the right thing to do, was John McCain. I loved McCain, I always figured he would never run again after 2000, he could never do it, he knew he could never do it, everyone knew he could never do it. Here's the facts for those who don't know or pretend they don't know, in 2000 McCain lost the primary to Bush because of Karl Rove and the far right, who actually had the AUDACITY to attack McCain's war record. McCain blasted his critics, Jerry Falwell and other members of the religious right he very openly hated.

...and my heart shattered when he cozied up to them over the past few years, rubbed elbows with the men who had destroyed his campaign in 2000, the ideologues who don't give a damn about what it really means to have integrity, who only care about making this country into a Christian version of Iran. We are granted by god the right to be free and live in happiness, the America these theocrats want is an America where there is only one accepted god, one religion, and that is that. A land where all abortions of all kinds are illegal, spare the child spoil the mother. A country where it's NOT ok to be with someone because you love them, regardless of who they happen to be. A country where we would judge each other, and be judged. Because that's really what Christ wanted, right? That's really why he died, right? So you can judge others? McCain fought against these ideas, and has now embraced their support because he knew it was the ONLY way he could win the Republican nomination. In doing so however he has sacrificed his integrity, and with it he has lost the majority of the independent vote, not to mention most of us Republicans who consider ourselves intellectuals are sure as hell not going to vote for him now that he's picked Sarah Palin. To be honest with you had he picked Mitt Romney I'd be voting for him, but no fucking way will I cast a vote for a woman as dumb as that. Secondly for anyone who likes her, SHE SUPPORTED BOOK BURNING FOR FUCKS SAKE. Nazi much?

In all likely hood, neither McCain nor Obama would survive their first time. For one McCain is very very old, and is very noticeably confused in his public appearances, he seems lost when he's on TV. And let's face it. This country is fucking racist. West Virginia has a 50% Democratic Party membership and it's going to go for McCain. If Obama gets elected, the reality of the situation is that he probably will be killed, or he will at the very least have an attempt put on his life. I'm not happy about it, I WILL cry when it happens, but it's highly probable, this country is pretty fucked up. That being said it becomes who do you want, Biden or Palin?

Let that sink in.

If you really think Palin should be president, go jump off a bridge. The woman is dumb as all hell, crooked as the day is long, have you heard her voice? My god it's annoying. Not to mention the fact that she was found to have been unethical in 'Troopergate' but what's most disturbing about that is that they found that her HUSBAND abused HER powers as Governor. Seriously.

Seriously? You have to ask?

I have to reiterate this one point though. I'm not voting FOR Barack Obama. I am voting AGAINST John McCain. Will my vote be cast for the democratic ticket? Yes. Why? Because it has a higher chance of winning than Bob Barr. If this were a parliamentary system you bet your sweet ass I'd be voting for Barr but since I don't want to waste my vote I'm sending it to Obama. I do not agree with Obama on...well..anything. In fact as a Libertarian I am opposed to almost everything he stands for, HOWEVER let's face it, this country has been going into the shitter over the past 8 years and as a conservative I feel that there's only one thing that'll get the Republicans to understand and figure out what they did wrong.

And that's a Democrat in the white house and 60 Democrats in the Senate.

I hope they learn their lesson after this. Because if not then I don't know what will teach them.

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